• Likolo tse 'maloa tsa MAVA li fumana lichelete ka Lenaneo la Workforce Skills Capital Grant Program

Likolo tse 'maloa tsa MAVA li fumana lichelete ka Lenaneo la Workforce Skills Capital Grant Program

Marlborough - Motsamaisi e Moholo Steven C. Sharek o thabetse ho phatlalatsa hore likolo tse 'maloa tsa litho tsa Massachusetts Professional Administrators Association (MAVA) li fumane lithuso ho tsoa ho naha ea morao-rao ea Lenaneo la Thuso ea Basebetsi ba Bokhoni ba Basebetsi.
Marlborough - Motsamaisi e Moholo Steven C. Sharek o thabetse ho phatlalatsa hore likolo tse 'maloa tsa litho tsa Massachusetts Professional Administrators Association (MAVA) li fumane lithuso ho tsoa ho naha ea morao-rao ea Lenaneo la Thuso ea Basebetsi ba Bokhoni ba Basebetsi.
Kakaretso ea likolo tse 11 tsa MAVA li amohetse ho fihla ho $3.3 milione e le karolo ea potoloho ea bobeli ea lichelete tsa FY22 tse phatlalalitsoeng bekeng ena ke mmuso oa Baker-Polito.
Ho tloha ka 2015, lithuso tse 407 tse fetang $105.5 milione li fuoe likolo tse fapaneng tse 207 le litsi tsa thuto ho Commonwealth, le mekhatlo e mengata e fumanang lithuso tse ngata ho theosa le lilemo. lichelete tse tsamaellanang.
Chelete e tsoa ho February, e tsejoang ka naha e le khoeli ea CTE. Khoeli ena ke monyetla oa ho keteka litekanyetso le katleho ea mananeo a CTE le mosebetsi oo ba o etsang.
Sekolo se tla ntlafatsa le ho holisa lenaneo la ho tšehetsa batho ba baholo ba ingolisang mererong e mecha ea thekenoloji ea mosebetsi le ho ntlafatsa phihlello ea baithuti ba sekolo se phahameng. Thepa e kenyelletsa moralo o bobebe le o boima oa letlapa la tšepe le masela, hammoho le ho cheselletsa tšepe ea sebopeho ka GMAW, GTAW, SMAW. , PAC, CNC plasma le oxy/fuel cutting process.Baithuti ba tla itlhakisa le ho itokisetsa ho nka Teko ea Setifikeiti sa Setifikeiti sa Mokhatlo oa Amerika oa Welding Structural Welding hammoho le Teko ea Tlhaloso ea Metal Welding ea Structural Sheet.
Setereke sa Blackrock Valley Vocational Area School, Upton - $225,000 (ho futhumatsa, moea o kenang moeeng, moea le sehatsetsing)
Likolo li tla reka lisebelisoa tsa tlhoekiso ea moea, liboilers, libopi, litsi tsa ho sebetsa tsa moaho, liphutheloana tsa line, le tse ling.Baithuti ba fumane mangolo ka OSHA 10 le litifikeiti tsa EPA Core.
Baithuti ba tla ba le monyetla oa ho fumana Mothusi oa bona oa Mooki ea tiisitsoeng, Thuso ea Pele, CPR, Tlhokomelo ea Dementia, Home Health Aide le setifikeiti sa OSHA 10. Baithuti ba letsatsi la sekolo se phahameng ba tla khona ho kenya letsoho Lenaneong la Thuso ea Bophelo bo Botle, 'me ho tla ba le tlhokomelo e eketsehileng ea bophelo bo botle. dikgetho bakeng sa batho ba baholo Lenaneong la Thuto ea Batho ba Baholo ba NightHawks le bakeng sa liithuti tsa sekolo se phahameng ka mor'a lefifi.
Likolo li tla ntlafatsa li-rigs tsa tsona ka li-MIGs le Sticks, Disc Sanders, Bandsaws Horizontal and Vertical Bandsaws, Flat Roll Models, Live ARC Systems, Rhino Carts, Beveling Machines, Drill Presses, Hand Tools, Storage, Welding Stations, Dual Pipe Feeders WELD. e etselitsoe ho fana ka lithuto tsa mantsiboea tse matla ho thusa ho tlatsa mesebetsi lekaleng la lehae la indasteri.
Sekolo se Phahameng sa Minuteman Vocational Technical, Lexington - $150,000 (liroboto le li-automation)
Sekolo se tla atolosa phihlello ea mananeo a teng a liroboto le li-automation, ho kenyeletsoa Internet of Things (IoT), intelligence ea maiketsetso (AI), le augmented reality (AR) .Setsi sena se secha se tla ba le ntlo ea polokelo ea sejoale-joale e ikemetseng e tla sebetsa e le laboratori ea ho ithuta bakeng sa liroboto le li-automation, baithuti ba tsamaiso ea phepelo ea thepa ea boenjiniere ba lisebelisuoa tsa sesole, hammoho le setsi sa koetliso bakeng sa koleche ea balekane le Setsi sa Tekniki sa Minuteman (MTI).
Setsi se seng le se seng sa mosebetsi se tla ba le thekenoloji ea thekenoloji, e tla thusa liithuti ho ithuta moea ha ho etsoa, ​​​​ho khahlisa le ho qeta mohlala oa majoe.Baithuti ba letsatsi le mantsiboea ba tla fumana OSHA 10 Hour Healthcare le American Red Cross CPR certifications 'me ba tla ba le monyetla oa ho fumana lithupelo tse peli tsa ho thusa meno. Litifikeiti tsa Boto ea Naha (DANB) - Taolo ea Tšoaetso le Radiology.
Sekolo se tla ntlafatsa lisebelisoa tse kenyeletsang li-stamping press, overpressure and threading machine, inventory and tool system system, libopi, litanka tsa metsi a chesang, lipompo tsa mocheso le boilers.Baithuti ba qeta lihora tse 1,700 le khoutu ea Level 2 ho fumana License ea Journeyman, Master Plumber License. , le Setifikeiti sa Kaho sa OSHA 10.
Sekolo se tla nchafatsa kichineng le phaposi ea ho jela e tsamaisoang ke baithuti, ho fa baithuti koetliso le tšebeliso ea lisebelisoa tsa maemo a indasteri.Baithuti ba letsatsi le mantsiboea ba tla hlahloba le ho ntlafatsa tsebo ea bo-rakhoebo, baapehi le basebetsi ba ho amohela baeti.Baithuti ba tla fumana koetliso ea setifikeiti sa ServSafe le Setifikeiti sa tšebeletso ea lijo sa OSHA10.
Sekolo se tla ntlafatsa theknoloji ea boenjiniere ho fihlela litlhoko tsa tlhahiso e tsoetseng pele.Sekolo se tla reka lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tse tsoetseng pele bakeng sa ho sebelisoa mesebetsing ea tlhahiso, ea boenjiniere le ea kaho.Tsena li kenyelletsa Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Laser Etchers/Cutters, CNC Lathes, CNC. Mills, Measurement Tools, Robotic Equipment, Indasteri Bakoetlisi ba Taolo ea Motlakase le Li-Laptops tse Tsoetseng Pele tse tšehetsang 3D Modeling le lisebelisoa tse ling tse boima tse kang AutoCad, Autodesk Inventor, Revit le LabVIEW.
Sekolo se tla reka Lintlafatso tse 2 tsa Proto TRAK KMX CNC, 6 Proto TRAK KMX2 Retrofit Bridgeport Series, 4 Haas Minimills, 2 TouchView Interactive Displays le 9 Lathe 2 Axis Digital Readout Systems.Baithuti ba lenaneong lena ba ikakhela ka setotsoana thutong e thehiloeng mosebetsing ka tšebelisano-'moho ea sekolo. ho ithuta likhoebong tsa tlhahiso ea libaka.
Sekolo se tla theha thupelo ea Maritime Services Technology bakeng sa baithuti ba mots'eare le mantsiboea.Lenaneo le tla khona ho fana ka monyetla ona oa thuto o thehiloeng ho STEM ho baithuti ba likolo tse phahameng hammoho le ba sa sebetseng, ba balehileng mahaeng a bona, bahlabani ba ntoa, kapa batho ba sebetsang ba batlang ho ntšetsa pele mesebetsi ea bona ka. lenaneo la rōna la sekolo sa mantsiboea.
Sepheo sa lithuso tsa morao-rao ke ho thakholoa le ho atolosoa ha Leano la 'Musisi la Career Technical Initiative, le tšehetsang likolo tsa thuto ea matsoho ho atolosa phihlello ea tsona ka ho fana ka mananeo bakeng sa liithuti tsa lehae tsa sekolo se phahameng thapama le basebetsi le baithuti ba baholo mantsiboea.
Ho tloha ka Phuptjane 2017 ho fihlela Phato 2021, Lenaneo la Massachusetts Skills Capital Grant le fane ka $30,694,090 ho likolo / mananeo a thuto ea mahlale le a temo.
“Re leboha tšehetso e tsoelang pele ea ’muso oa Baker-Polito ea thuto ea mosebetsi oa matsoho le thuto ea thekniki,” ho boletse Motsamaisi Sharek.” Chelete ena e tla thusa likolo tseo e leng litho tsa rōna ka litsela tse ngata ka mananeo a fapaneng ’me e tla lumella liithuti tsa rōna ho fumana thuso ea bohlokoa. boiphihlelo le ho ba lokisetsa litifikeiti tsa bohlokoa tsa indasteri. ”
The Skills Capital Grant e abetsoe ke Kabinete ea 'Musisi Baker's Workforce Skills, e ileng ea theoa ka 2015 ho kopanya Lefapha la Thuto, Basebetsi le Ntlafatso ea Basebetsi le Bokwaledi ba Matlo le Ntshetsopele ya Moruo ho hokahanya leano la thuto, ntshetsopele ya moruo le basebetsi, ho theha maano a mabapi le ho ho fihlela tlhoko ea basebetsi ba nang le boiphihlelo ke bahiri ho pholletsa le Commonwealth.
Litaba tsa Client, Grant News Grant, Massachusetts Professional Administrators Association, MAVA, Workforce Skills Capital Grant
Matt is the JGPR Copywriter and Project Coordinator based in Guangzhou.He can be reached at matt@jgpr.net or 781-428-3299.
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Nako ea poso: Feb-18-2022